Chocolate Milkshake Day is Here!

September 11, 2021
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At MyMalls we understand very well that the pandemic has presented many tough challenges these past 18 months. Our brains crave more endorphins than usual and believe us when we tell you that nothing lifts the mood more than a delicious glass of ice cold chocolate milkshake! So, pause the calorie count; you now have the perfect excuse to drink as much of this elixir as possible.

Our susceptibility to chocolate has been ingrained in our DNA for millennia. Considered a sacred drink, ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations have enjoyed chocolate drinks two thousand years ago serving it at weddings and other important gatherings. Europeans combined it with milk and sugar during the Industrial Revolution; springing the modern era of chocolate. Which brings us to the year 1922, when the blender was invented and the world got its first taste of chocolate milkshake.

Hershey’s Chocolate Milkshake Recipe

Team MyMalls has been in search of the perfect milkshake recipe for our members to make from scratch. We scoured the depths of the Internet, asked family and friends - even went as far as stalking employees at the local Baskin & Robbins in order to find the most mouthwatering recipe. After comparing notes and countless hours of testing, we all came to the same conclusion.

There is no chocolate milkshake without Hersey's chocolate syrup. Those two are not mutually exclusive! Secondly, we have come up with a simple recipe that takes only 5 minutes to make. All you need are three ingredients:

  • 1/4 Cup Hersey’s Chocolate Syrup
  • 200ml Cold milk
  • 2 Scoops Ice cream (2 different flavours).

As far as the ice cream is concerned, we all took a vote and it’s either Häagen-Dazs’ Vanilla Bean or Baskin Robbins’ World Class Chocolate; if you fancy some quadruple chocolate gooeyness! Once you’ve made your ice cream pick, all you need to do is mix all three ingredients for the thickest, creamiest, and to die for chocolate milkshake. Top it off with a dollop of whipped cream and don’t forget to share this sweet treat with loved ones at your chocolate milkshake party!

In order to help you on your way, Team MyMalls has selected the best blenders and mixers out there for you to choose from. So, nothing can get in the way of you celebrating Chocolate Milkshake Day!

Hamilton Beach Chrome DrinkMaster

This soda fountain style drink mixer comes with a 28-ounce mixing cup, giving you plenty of room to experiment with different chocolate milkshake recipes and other delicious treats. Made from chrome, this classic drink mixer’s two speeds allows you to blend and mix your chocolate shake to a perfect texture. The best part? Its tilt back head and detachable spindle allow easy access for adding ingredients and cleaning. It’s a steal on amazon for only $39.94

Hamilton Beach Mixer

Ninja Personal Blender

The priciest of the bunch, this household blender comes with two 16-ounce cups, sip & seal lids and a 700-watt power pod with pulse technology. To top it all off, Ninja has also included a 50-recipe guide to spark your creative juices. This one is great for frozen blending as it even crushes through ice. It’s a great pick if you want to go with a household name.Look for it on amazon for $59.99.

Ninja Personal Blender for Shakes

Nostalgia Electric Milkshake Maker

Take a trip down memory lane with this retro drink maker. This powerful mixer is both fun and easy to use - perfect for making delicious smoothies, malted drinks or even chocolate milkshakes. Similar to Hamilton Beach’s DrinkMaster, this unit’s two-speed makes it easy to customize the shake’s thickness. Although smaller in size, the Nostalgia comes with a 16-ounce stainless steel mixing cup and rod. And get this, to go along with your chocolate milkshake, you can use this very same mixer to whip up some pancake or waffle batter. This cute blue milkshake maker retails at $49.00 on amazon.

Nostalgia Milkshake Maker

Brentwood Classic Milkshake Maker

Relive the days of diners and drive-ins with this classically designed milkshake maker. This shaker mixes cocktails, protein shakes and mouthwatering milkshakes. Choose between low and high speeds for deliciously thick or thin shakes in under 2 minutes. The beautiful turquoise design makes it a must-have and it happens to be one of Team MyMalls’ favorites. Similar to the Nostalgia retro milkshake maker, this shake’s spindle is also made from food safe highly durable stainless steel. It’s the most affordable at $29.99 USD on amazon.

Chocoholics unite! Chocolate Milkshake Day is the one day we get to forget our calorie count and enjoy a sweet, thick and scrumptious chocolate milkshake! Can't find Hersey's chocolate syrup at local stores? Make sure to order some to up your milkshake game.

Brentwood Classic Milkshake Maker

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