Total Holistic, “Where L is for Living”

In this MyMalls Customer Story, we’re excited to introduce Trinidad and Tobago resident Fabian Burnett, who has developed his own “Total Holistic” brand of organic herbal supplements and customised weight management programmes, and depends on MyMalls to make sure his customers receive their products reliably and on time.

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Could you please introduce yourself?

My name is Fabian Burnett and I am 42 years of age. I was born in Barbados but I live in Trinidad and Tobag

Could you tell us about your business?

I started my online store in 2012 via which I sell my brand of organic herbal supplements (Total Holistic) and customised weight management programmes for clients.

How did you develop the idea for Total Holistic?

Before starting the business I was always interested in Alternative Health issues and approaches to healing. So before starting the business I already had an interest in health and wellness issues, and pursued studies related to Herbalism, Holistic Healing and Life Coaching which gave me credentials and confidence to pursue such a business. The focus on weight management was just a natural evolution that occurred due to the fact that I discovered very early on that the root cause of many health problems often centered around obesity. So the “Total Holistic” idea came about due to the fact that my approach to achieving “proper” health and well-being centers around alternative methods as opposed to a total reliance on the tradition Allopathic approaches advocated by the members of the medical community.

Why did you decide to create your own brand, as opposed to offering existing brands of supplements?

I created my own brand because I wanted to create something that would stand out from the rest. My brand uniquely supports personalized weight management, but is by no means limited to just that aspect of health and well-being. The supplements cannot be said to address only the needs of a Caribbean environment since the Total Holistic brand was first actualized and brought to market while I resided in Europe. Indeed, Total Holistic is an online store and therefore global by nature and scope. Health and Well-ness issues are universal.

How has the local market responded to your business?

The local market can be challenging, especially when one seeks to introduce a new brand. Success is therefore influenced greatly by how effective a marketing strategy one has. Yes, I see increases in demand, but I also see growing competition.

Something that seems attractive about your business, is that health and weight management are not fads or seasonal things. So it seems that the development of a successful brand of supplements could lead to long-term and sustained business success. Is that how you view it as well?

Most definitely.

Could you tell us how you use MyMalls in your business?

Whenever a local client requests one of my herbal supplements, I have my supplier mail my orders to MyMalls.

What benefits do you as a business perceive in using MyMalls?

MyMalls is beneficial because I get my orders in quick time.

How do your customers benefit from your use of MyMalls?

Customers benefit because they get their supplements without much delay.

Do you sell mostly to locals and others in the Caribbean, or does your market extend beyond.

My market extends beyond but on moving back to the Caribbean in 2014, logistics and economies of scale have dictated that at present the Caribbean accounts for more than 50 percent of my market.

In which areas could MyMalls improve to even better help you, your business and your customers?

Well providing a more affordable handling and shipping fee would help. This would obviously bring me some savings and potentially make my supplements cheaper for clients.

In the future, MyMalls may expand delivery services to other countries around the world. Do you feel such an expansion could benefit your business, in terms of simplifying the delivery process?

Yes, most definitely!

How can people find your business and otherwise get in touch with you?

My website is, and my email address is Our thanks to Fabian Burnett, for this fantastic interview. We at MyMalls are tremendously happy to help entrepreneurs like Fabian create successful new businesses in the Caribbean. If you’d like to learn more about how the MyMalls 24-48 hour delivery service could help your business, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. And keep your eye on this space, as we’ll be profiling more happy MyMalls business customers in the near future!
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