Spook Up Your Spooktober with Double Fun Miles!

August 27, 2023
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🎃 Get ready to spook up your Spooktober with a chillingly good offer from MyMalls! Usually, you earn one Fun Mile for every dollar spent on shipping, but throughout this entire month, every dollar you invest in shipping will earn you TWO Fun Miles! 🎉 That's right, we're doubling the fun, just in time for Halloween!

Why Spooktober is the Perfect Time to Double Up on Fun Miles

Spooktober is an exciting month for shopping, and there couldn't be a better time to stock up on Fun Miles. With Halloween just around the corner, you'll have plenty of opportunities to buy those spooky costumes and decorations with time to spare. No more last-minute rushes! Make your purchases, arrange shipping, and let us take care of the rest!

How to Get Started with Fun Miles

New to Fun Miles? No worries! It's a breeze to get started. Check out our informative blog post about the Fun Miles program, or head straight to the Fun Miles website for all the juicy details. To join the Fun Miles community, simply pick up a card from your local Fun Miles office and register it online to begin earning your miles. When you're ready to cash in on an offer, just present your Fun Miles card, enter your PIN, and you're good to go!

We hope you have as much fun earning and spending Fun Miles as we do! So gear up for an exciting Spooktober filled with double the miles, spooky delights, and endless shopping possibilities. Happy shopping and Happy Halloween! 🛍️👻

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