Omri Kellman, owner of Unik View

Learn how OMRI Kellman optimizes his Barbados-based business with a Japanese Just-in-Time approaching, using MyMalls

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Could you please introduce yourself?

My name is OMRI Kellman, and I’m the Creative Director and Owner of Unik View. I am 23 years old, from Barbados, and graduated from The University Of The West Indies, Cavehill Campus with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Arts.

Could you tell us about your business?

Unik View was officially started in June 2016 and offers services in videography, photography and graphic design. Currently Unik View is just me, but as jobs require, I bring on some of my friends to help. Currently, all of my clients are local but hopefully in the future I will be able to deliver prints to buyers abroad!

Could you tell us how you use MyMalls in your business?

Since it is a small, young business, I cannot buy all the equipment I know I will need at once. With MyMalls, I can order equipment online the week before, or even the same week that there is a job I need specific equipment for. With MyMalls’s speedy delivery, I can better manage money by not putting myself out of pocket long in advance.

What are some of the specific kinds of equipment you order on such a “just-in-time” basis?

Some of the equipment I would have ordered are things such as a camera flash, microphone, camera stabilizer and a reflector—i.e. things that I didn’t need to buy until jobs came where I needed them. And there are yet other things I expect I’ll need, which I leave in my Amazon cart until the opportunity arises.

What benefits do you as a business perceive in using MyMalls?

Using MyMalls, I can manage money better by only spending it before an upcoming job. It will also benefit customers in instances where I have to deliver specially printed products, such as photos or business cards, since the waiting time is reduced and the delivery is reliable.

In which areas could MyMalls improve to even better help you, your business and your customers?

The main improvement for me would be simplification of the invoice organization process when a consolidation takes place. Since some orders get shipped differently with respect to how they are purchased, and arrive at the warehouse at different times, the shipping confirmations can be mis-aligned with respect to the purchase invoices. And that makes getting paperwork organized for consolidations a little tricky! As a result, my last order arrived overnight from MyMalls, but then spent a few days in customs before I was able to send the Amazon email invoices to the DHL office here to get it cleared.

How can people find your business and otherwise get in touch with you?

You can find us online on Facebook ( and Instagram (
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